Monday, September 24, 2007

Wishing for a simple life

I started this blog because I am wishing for a simple life. I have become a fan of websites of women who devote their life to their family and keeping things simple. I love reading the blogs of women who make their own bread and take the time to cook a homemade meal for their family. These are women who love their Lord and live the life of the Proverbs 31 woman. That's who I want to be.

I am the wife of a wonderful man, and the mother of 3 children, ages 8, 5, and almost 3. I stayed at home with the children for 7 years. However, I'll confess that my days weren't spent striving to become the Proverbs 31 woman. My meals were often fast and out of a can or freezer. If I baked, it was out of a box. In August, I started a job as a 3-K teacher at a Christian School. I am very thankful for this job. It allows us to send our children to a wonderful Christian school at a discounted price. However, the more I read about the lost art of being feminine and getting back to the basic things our grandmothers did, the more I yearn to be a part of that world.

I hope that this blog will help me to get back to the basics of life...the simple life. The life that maybe God intended me to have after all.

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