Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sunday Happenings

At my church on Sunday nights, our pastor is doing a series on effective prayer. Tonight, we were in Psalm 51. David sinned and he didn't want God to see his face because he was so ashamed. He was broken. Then he got to the cleansing part. "Create in me a new heart, oh Lord, and renew a right spirit within me." (paraphrased) Pastor said that if we don't hear God speaking to us, there's either 1 of 2 things wrong: #1: we're not listening, or #2 we need to get something in our life right with God before He will hear us. I started thinking, is the reason I feel God isn't speaking to me because I don't have something right with Him? After the sermon, during our invitation time, I spent time confessing right then and there! There is a lady that I haven't had a right attitude towards. She is a wonderful person, but I have had a bad attitude. When I hear others talking about her, I joined in. I should have walked away, stuck up for her, or either just said "We're Christians, we shouldn't be saying these things". And then I had to confess about my attitude towards my husband. I haven't had the right attitude towards him about some things. I haven't been respectful or submissive. I confessed that sin before God and my husband. I know there's other things I need to confess. I want to be totally broken before God. I want for God to show me every area in my life where I am not honoring Him. I want to be made aware every moment of the day of things that I do and say and my about my attitude. I want for God to create in me a clean heart and to renew a right spirit within me.

1 comment:

~Bren~ said...

Brokeness wants to be our best friend, but we see it as an enemy. We can not fully open ourselves to God without first being broken.
The verse you quote is a beautiful song. I find myself singing this one ALOT! When I am at a place like you are, people tell me, "Don't be so hard on yourself. You are a good person and don't beat yourself up." Well that does no good...that is how they see me, but I am more concerned with how God sees me. Now that you confessed these things, know you are forgiven. If there is anything else, God will expose it for you.
What a good place you are in! Thaks for sharing!